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Website written in HTML and CSS

A challenge everyone will face when leaving school is creating a portfolio. A website is an obvious choice since it is extremely flexible and accessible to anyone with a device and internet. Most people will use the help of programs like WordPress or Adobe portfolio, I'm not one of those people. Of course, it would of been easier and save me a lot of time to use those programs but I saw this as an opportunity to extend my HTM and CSS skills.

Before I go any further I need to mention that I did not create this on my own. I started off with a box template, this was a huge jump start. It provided me with the main layout of the site and especially the included javascript came in clutch. From there I started modifying the page heavily. I obviously had to add the content but I also changed a lot about the layout and style. I added new features and extended upon existing ones. When the site was close to being finished, I reached out to a friend and he helped me to make the website available for mobile devices. Credits to Stef Van der Straeten for helping me on this journey!


I am very glad I chose to make this website without any programs doing it for me. I was able to learn a lot this way and show that I am dedicated. Another benefit is that I can update this site troughout my life without the need of a subscription, this also eliminates the risk of a program shutting down and having to start over.